Kepler College Symposium

Symposium Schedule

For any questions, contact the organizers at

8:00 am - 12:30 pm

Niagara Falls Excursion - Maid of the Mist & Cave of the Winds

American Tour with the Maid of the Mist & the Cave of the Winds. PICKUP/ Drop Off from the Hotel in a Private Luxury Vehicle. You will be guided by a Professional Licensed Tour Guide. This tour includes: 4.5 - 5 hour sightseeing tour of Niagara Falls, US. Tickets for Maid of the Mist. Tickets for Cave of the Winds. Tour Guide Gratuity. All fees, tolls & attractions. Lunch is not included. However, tours are taken to a nice family-owned Italian Bakery where everyone can grab a fresh sandwich, a piece of homemade pizza, soft drinks etc.

9:00 am - 11:30 am Upper Rapids Room

Sam Reynolds Master Class - "Nothing new under the Sun": Forecasting techniques using the Sun

Explore two forecasting techniques that depend on the Sun's motion for more accurate predictions: Profections and Solar Returns. In this 2.5-hour Master Class, Reynolds will guide you through how to use and integrate both to assess what might be happening in someone's life during a year.

Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds
9:00 am - 11:30 am Lower Rapids Room

Meghna Baghat - Speech Craft

Speechcraft is designed to fine-tune your speach/presentation

Meghna Bhagat Meghna Bhagat
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Lower Rapids Room

Marie O'Neill & Lori Barnes Astrology Meets Branding: Crafting Your Bio and About Me Page

To be provided

Lori Barnes Lori Barnes
Marie O'Neill Marie O'Neill
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Upper Rapids Room


Media Guru Marshall McLuhan wrote, “To prevent undue wreckage in society, the artist tends now to move from the ivory tower to the control tower of society.” Astrologers, too, once occupied a position of isolated, neutral bystander, detached from the consequence of their predictions. However, now that time is moving so fast and events are flying by at nearly incomprehensible speeds, astrologers no longer have the luxury of just observing and reporting. What does this change mean for astrologers and their clients? Should we, as astrologers, maximize our influence by participating in, rather than reporting on, personal identity and social change? Or should we attempt to maintain neutrality without giving guidance to clients or advice to those in positions of power? This Mastery Class prepares astrologers to responsibly practice their craft with integrity, no matter their personal, cultural, or political biases.

Rick Levine Rick Levine
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Registration will be open

6:00 pm -

Meet & Greet

Join us in the restaurant/bar for some snacks and friendship. Meet those, in person, that you have studied with or meet new friends and create a network of associates that will last a lifetime

9:00 am - 10:00 am


The registration desk will be open.

10:00 am - 10:30 am Upper Rapids Room

Symposium Opening

Donna Young (President) will lead the welcome ceremony and set the stage for the upcoming events.

Donna Young Donna Young
Denise Menton Denise Menton
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

The Rules of War: A brief story

Kepler College meets Harvard at History of Science meeting

Lee Lehman Lee Lehman
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Lunch - time to network - recharge batteries

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

The Astrology of Local Space

Cindy and Tamira will provide an interactive presentation on the Astrology of Local Space Detailed description will be available in late January

Tamira McGillivray Tamira McGillivray
Cindy Mckean Cindy Mckean
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm


Time to rehydrate and network

3:15 pm - 3:45 pm Upper Rapids Room

Presentation - Kepler College - Where it all began - a tribute

Topic to be Determined

Laura Nalbandian Laura Nalbandian
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

Student Presentations

Two students will give a 30-minute presentation. This presentation will be considered a final demonstration of learning for the presenters

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm TBD

Office Hours / Happy hour

Happy Hour - time to network and meet with old and new friends Office Hour - Some instructors will have an open door for students to utilize one-on-one tutoring. This will be an informal drop-in session. Office Hour topics will be identified by the end of March

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Pool Side

Pizza Party

Join us for a pizza party on the poolside, followed by Astro Trivia. A time to meet Kepler College Board members, administrative folks, instructors, and fellow students on the path to astrological excellence. Bring some spare change to purchase some favorite libation.

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm pool side

Astro Triva

Cheer your favorite challengers in a game of Astro Trivia. The winner will be awarded a coveted Kepler College mug. The runner-ups will be awarded a Kepler College 'Astrologers Do It with Dignity' notebook.

Stevie Lowe Stevie Lowe
8:30 pm - 9:00 pm Riverside

Astronomy - Sky Gazing (weather permitting)

Gather after dark to view the night sky and apply our astrological skills to the sky. Harvest moon will be coming to Full on September 7. Saturn will be visible on the Moon's east side. September 7 & 8 is the Total Lunar Eclipse seen in Asia & Australia.

Cindy Mckean Cindy Mckean
9:00 am - 10:30 am Upper Rapids Room

Relating in the Age of Aquarius: A Collective Evolution

As Pluto journeys through Aquarius, a profound shift in how we connect, relate, and build community is unfolding. This transit calls us to embrace innovative approaches to relationships, challenging traditional paradigms and inviting a deeper exploration of authenticity, freedom, and collective responsibility. In this talk, we will explore how Pluto in Aquarius transforms our collective dynamics, emphasizing the role of technology, individuality, and the power of group consciousness in reshaping how we interact and support one another. We'll also delve into the transiting nodes as a guiding force, illuminating the collective call to action and the lessons we are being asked to integrate over the next several years. Join us as we navigate the cosmic roadmap for this pivotal era, discussing strategies to align with the evolutionary currents and harness these transformative energies to create more inclusive, meaningful, and dynamic connections. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or new to the stars, this talk will provide insights and inspiration for embracing the work of Pluto in Aquarius with curiosity and courage.

Celeste Brooks Celeste Brooks
10:30 am - 10:45 am


Take a break and recharge

10:45 am - 12:30 pm Upper Rapids Room

Student Presentations

Three Kepler College graduating students will be making 30-minute presentations. Presentations will be used as their Final Demonstration of Learning.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Enjoy some time to network and recharge your batteries.

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Upper Rapids Room

Astrological Ways of Knowing: Charts, Houses, and Zodiacs in Medical Astrology

In this presentation, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of 1) commonly used house systems in the practice of medical astrology; 2) the various charts that can be selected, such as the birth chart, the decumbiture, the diagnostic, consultation, and the prenatal eclipse; 3) we will look at the types of questions that can be answered through a sidereal zodiac versus a tropical zodiac and relate them to practical interventions. Participants will be able to select the correct chart for assessing a client's particular condition. They will identify two factors affecting the decision to use a sidereal or tropical zodiac. They will be able to approach the selection of a house system based on rational applications and methods designed to answer specific questions. In this presentation, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of 1) commonly used house systems in the practice of medical astrology; 2) the various charts that can be selected, such as the birth chart, the decumbiture, the diagnostic, consultation, and the prenatal eclipse; 3) we will look at the types of questions that can be answered through a sidereal zodiac versus a tropical zodiac and relate them to practical interventions. Participants will be able to select the correct chart for assessing a client's particular condition. They will identify two factors affecting the decision to use a sidereal or tropical zodiac. They will be able to approach the selection of a house system based on rational applications and methods designed to answer specific questions.

Will Morris Will Morris
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Various locations

Office Hours / Happy hour

Happy Hour - time to network and meet with old and new friends Office Hour - Some instructors will have an open door for students to utilize one-on-one tutoring. This will be an informal drop-in session. Office Hour topics will be identified by the end of March

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

Keynote - THE FUTURE OF ASTROLOGY Rick Levine, a Founding Trustee of Kepler College, shares his perspective on the role of an astrological institution of education in the 21st century.

Although changes within the realms of the human experience seem to be accelerating faster than ever, cosmic time appears to remain consistent. The planets continue on their orbital paths, following the mathematical laws of Johannes Kepler, for whom Kepler College is named. Nevertheless, it is ironic that astrology, the science of time, is struggling to reclaim its glorious past while simultaneously attempting to create its future. Astrology is based upon correspondence, the connection between apparently disconnected events. This is a challenging yet exciting time for astrologers because we are able to gather more cosmic data than was ever possible before. We must be willing to examine new ideas and integrate those that can contribute to our discipline. It is clear that we must accept the complex challenges of these times or get left behind. As educators, we must be ready to take the quantum leap, but we also must not relinquish the wisdom that has been handed down throughout the ages.

Rick Levine Rick Levine
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Upper Rapids Room

Banquet & Awards Ceremony

The banquet will be buffet style. The 25th Anniversary video will be introduced to the audience. Certificates and Diplomas will be presented 50/50 draw

9:30 am - 11:00 am Upper Rapids Room

Education for Astrologers

Although more folks globally teach astrology, how do we increase the likelihood of quality education in astrology? During this symposium, Reynolds will discuss how astrologers can begin collaborating on the competencies and other issues that could be fostered between astrology educators and schools for increased quality standards in astrological education.

Sam Reynolds Sam Reynolds
11:00 am - 11:15 am


Time to take a walk outside and clear the energy field

11:15 am - 1:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

Student Presentations

Three Kepler College graduating students will be making 30-minute presentations. Presentations will be used as their Final Demonstration of Learning.

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Join friends for lunch and great conversation

2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Upper Rapids Room

Tales from the Crypt

Kay Taylor will lead the group in revealing difficult consultation moments. Tales from the Crypt is a place for all in attendance to share odd or difficult moments that you have encountered in a consultation

Kay Taylor Kay Taylor
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Upper Rapids Room

Closing Ceremony

Donna, with others, will bring the 25th Anniversary Symposium to a close.

Donna Young Donna Young
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm TBD

Happy Hour / Office Hours

Happy Hour - time to network and meet with old and new friends Office Hour - Some instructors will have an open door for students to utilize one-on-one tutoring. This will be an informal drop-in session. Office Hour topics will be identified by the end of March